
发布日期:2025-01-04 10:13    点击次数:86

同学们您是否也想知道雅思口语|与Rose相关的常见表达,不止是玫瑰花哦!,这个问题的分析和解答呢?相信你通过以下的文章内容就会有更深入的了解,话不多说,接下来就跟着中国教育在线小编一起看看吧。a bed of roses 一帆风顺An easy, comfortable situation.You didnt think your new job in computer programming was going to be a bed of roses, did you?你不会以为你新的编程工作会一帆风顺吧?Who said life would be a bed of roses?谁说生活会是一帆风顺?(as) red as a rose红脸,面红耳赤Extremely flushed and red, especially in the face, as from embarrassment, anger, or physical strain.My father was as red as a rose by the time we reached the top of the hill. 每次爬到山顶,我爸爸都是满脸通红。Oh, Mike definitely likes youhe turns red as a rose every time youre around!Mike肯定喜欢你每次你在旁边他脸就红了起来。be (not) all moonlight and roses浪漫的To be very enjoyable and pleasant, especially of a romantic situation. This phrase is often used in the negative to emphasize difficulties in a romantic relationship.I thought that dating an actress would be all moonlight and roses, but she travels so much that I hardly ever see her.我原以为找个女演员当女朋友会非常浪漫,但她总是到处走以致于我几乎看不到她。Living with a boyfriend or girlfriend is not all moonlight and roses, you know.同居并不总是浪漫满屋,你懂的。bring the roses to (ones) cheeks使人焕发活力To make one vigorous and healthful, or to make them appear as such.Nothing will bring the roses to your cheeks like a little bit of exercise every day.每天哪怕做一点运动,都可以让你活力满满。I drink a small glass of red wine each evening to bring the roses to my cheeks.我每天晚上喝一杯红酒来保持好的状态。look (at something) through rose-colored spectacles乐观看待To assume a generally optimistic and cheerful attitude (toward something); to focus only or mostly on the positive aspects (of something)I know nostalgia can be misleading, but I really look at my childhood through rose-colored spectacles.我知道怀旧可能会误导人,但我真的只关注我童年中美好的事物。It seems like Mary only looks through rose-colored spectacles, like shes in incapable of dealing with the negative things in life!Mary看上去只关注乐观的东西,她好像没能力处理生活中任何负面的东西!(theres) no rose without a thorn没有不带刺的玫瑰;没有十全十美的事情There is rarely a good or positive person, thing, or situation that does not have some negative or unpleasant aspect (i.e., just as a rose, which is beautiful, has harmful thorns).Our teacher is usually very supportive and patient, but if you mess around in her class, shell tear you a new one. Theres no rose without thorns, I guess.我们老师通常都很支持我们,也很耐心,但如果你在她的课上捣乱,她会让你见识一下她的厉害。所以我觉得任何事情都是有两面的。You cant just get all the benefits without paying a cost. Theres no rose without a thorn.那么以上就是关于雅思口语|与Rose相关的常见表达,不止是玫瑰花哦!的相关内容啦,以上内容作为参考分享给大家,希望能帮助到有需要的同学,如果还有更多想要了解的内容可以关注本平台继续浏览。 >> 雅思 托福 免费测试、量身规划、让英语学习不再困难<<

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